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First Time Guide to Rockbox Development

Welcome to our humble project.

In order to get your hands dirty as quickly and smoothly as possible, here follows our suggested approach!

Join the Rockbox Community

Mail: We have a very active developers mailing list no serious Rockbox freak can live without.

IRC: There's always a bunch of friendly and helpful people around in the IRC channel.

Setup Your Environment

You need a cross-compiler and linker to build the code. Pick one of these:

Get The Source

Get a fresh source to build Rockbox from. We usually recommend you get the sources fresh from the CVS repo (How to use CVS), but you can also get a daily tarball or even the latest released source package.

Build Rockbox

Build rockbox using your acquired sources! If you're using Linux or the suggested cygwin approach, read How to compile Rockbox.

Also note that we have put a whole lot of effort in writing simulators so that you can build, run and try code on your host PC before you build and download your target version. This of course requires a working compiler for your native system.

Change Rockbox

Before you change any code, make sure to read the contributing information if you want to have any hope of having your changes accepted.

Now, you fixed any bugs? You added any features? Then make a patch and head over to the patch tracker and submit it. Of course, you can also check the open bugreports and jump in and fix one of them (or possibly submit a new bug report).

Regularly checking the open feature requests gives a picture of what people want to see happen and what is left to add...

You'll be better off with a sourceforge account for most bugreport and feature-request work.

CategoryHowto: First-time guide to Rockbox development

{ Edit | View raw | Attach | Ref-By | Printable | Diffs | r1.7 | > | r1.6 | > | r1.5 | More }
Revision r1.7 - 31 Aug 2005 - 08:03 GMT - LinusNielsenFeltzing
Parents: DocsIndex
Copyright © 1999-2005 by the contributing authors.